Land Revenue Lawyer in Ahmedabad | 09925002031

When it comes to Land Revenue Matters in Ahmedabad, having a skilled and experienced advocate by your side can make a significant difference. Advocate Paresh M Modi is a highly regarded advocate specializing in land revenue law, providing exceptional legal guidance and representation to clients in Ahmedabad and surrounding areas.

Why Choose Advocate Paresh M Modi as Your Land Revenue Lawyer in Ahmedabad?

Extensive Experience:

With years of experience in land revenue law, Paresh M Modi has a comprehensive understanding of the legal intricacies and complexities associated with land-related matters. His extensive experience enables him to provide effective solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. The ability to handle any kind of tough cases makes Law Firm of Advocate Paresh M Modi one of the best law firms in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

In-Depth Knowledge:

Advocate Paresh M Modi stays updated with the latest developments in land revenue laws, ensuring that his clients receive accurate and up-to-date advice. His in-depth knowledge of the legal framework enables him to navigate through the complexities of land revenue cases with ease.

Personalized Approach:

Advocate Paresh M Modi believes in providing personalized attention to every client. He takes the time to understand the specific circumstances and objectives of each case, developing customized strategies to achieve the best possible outcome. With Paresh M Modi, you can expect dedicated and individualized representation throughout your legal proceedings. He is the Best Lawyer near me for Civil Criminal Land Property and Family Matter in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

Strong Track Record:

Advocate Paresh M Modi has successfully represented numerous clients in land revenue cases, earning a reputation for his strong track record of favorable outcomes. His commitment to excellence and unwavering dedication to his clients’ interests have established him as a trusted advocate in the field.

Transparent Communication:

Effective communication is crucial in legal matters. Paresh M Modi ensures transparent and open communication with his clients, keeping them informed about the progress of their cases, explaining legal concepts in a clear and understandable manner, and promptly addressing any concerns or queries that may arise.

In Addition :

In each City and Villages of Gujarat Day by day land becomes a costly and even the “Pot kharaba land” slots are become useful for Residential commercial and industrial development, Dholera SIR is a planned city in Gujarat, India, being developed as part of the Gujarat Industrial Development Corridor (GIDC) project. The city is expected to be a major economic hub, with a focus on manufacturing, logistics, and tourism. It is being designed to be a “smart city”, with a focus on sustainability, efficiency, and livability. Some of the key features of Dholera Smart City include a world-class transportation system, a state-of-the-art IT infrastructure, a sustainable energy system, a green and walkable city, and a vibrant cultural and social scene. he is the best lawyer for land Title Certificate, Property Documents Verification, Encumbrance Certificate, Search Report Certificates.

As an investor or Developer, if you are going to invest your hard earn money in the Dholera SIR, It is advisable to get the search report certificate / Encumbrance Certificate or Title certificate of the land or plot which you are willing to purchase in Dholera, Advocate Paresh M Modi may help you to get the details report of the land / plot in Dholera Gujarat. He is taking care of Civil Litigation Cases as well as Criminal Cases related to Land, specially he is handling the Cases of Gujarat Land Grabbing Act 2020.

Areas of Expertise:

Advocate Paresh M Modi specializes in a wide range of land revenue matters, including but not limited to:

  • Land acquisition and compensation
  • Title verification and due diligence
  • Boundary disputes
  • Tenancy issues
  • Conversion of land use
  • Land revenue records and mutations
  • Gujarat Land Grabbing Act Cases
  • Shri Sarkar Land Disputes
  • Government schemes and policies related to land revenue
  • Land Title Certificate – Search Report – Encumbrance Certificate
  • Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Land Act 1948 and Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Land Laws (Amendment) Act 2015 Cases – Ganot Dharo Act Cases
  • Contact Advocate Paresh M Modi – Land Revenue Lawyer in Ahmedabad:

If you are in need of a trusted land revenue Lawyer in Ahmedabad, contact Paresh M Modi today to schedule a consultation. With his expertise, experience, and commitment to client satisfaction, Advocate Paresh M Modi is the advocate you can rely on for effective legal representation in land revenue matters.


Ganot Dharo Act and Shree Sarkar Land

The “Ganot Dharo Act” (Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Land Act 1948 and Gujarat Tenancy and Agricultural Land Laws (Amendment) Act 2015), refers to a legislative framework in Gujarat aimed at protecting the rights of tenant farmers. “Ganot Dharo” translates to “Tenant Farmer” in Gujarati, and the Act is designed to safeguard the interests of those who cultivate land they do not own. Here’s a detailed explanation of its key features and provisions:

Key Features and Provisions of the Ganot Dharo Act

  1. Tenant Rights:

– The Act grants legal recognition and protection to tenant farmers who work on agricultural land owned by landlords.

– It ensures that tenant farmers cannot be evicted without due process and provides them with security of tenure.

  1. Fair Rent:

– It establishes guidelines for determining fair rent for agricultural land, preventing exploitation by landlords.

– The rent is typically set as a proportion of the produce or a fixed monetary amount, ensuring it is reasonable and affordable for tenant farmers.

  1. Right to Purchase:

– In certain circumstances, tenant farmers may have the right to purchase the land they cultivate.

– This provision is aimed at promoting land ownership among tenant farmers and reducing landlessness.

  1. Dispute Resolution:

– The Act provides mechanisms for resolving disputes between landlords and tenant farmers.

– Dedicated tribunals or authorities are often set up to handle such disputes efficiently and fairly.

  1. Protection from Eviction:

– Tenant farmers are protected from arbitrary eviction. Landlords must follow legal procedures and justify any eviction actions.

– Evictions can typically only occur for specific reasons, such as non-payment of rent or failure to comply with agricultural practices.

  1. Compensation for Improvements:

– If tenant farmers make improvements to the land, such as building irrigation systems or enhancing soil fertility, they are entitled to compensation.

– This encourages tenant farmers to invest in the land they work on, knowing they will be compensated for their efforts.

  1. Regulation of Leases:

– The Act regulates the terms and conditions of agricultural leases, ensuring they are fair and transparent.

– It sets out the responsibilities and obligations of both landlords and tenant farmers, fostering a balanced relationship.

  1. Protection of Traditional Rights:

– The Act often includes provisions to protect the traditional rights and customs of local communities related to land use and tenancy.

– This ensures that the cultural and historical practices of tenant farming are respected and preserved.

Impact and Importance

Social Justice: The Ganot Dharo Act is a significant piece of social legislation aimed at empowering tenant farmers and addressing issues of land inequality and exploitation.

Economic Stability: By providing security of tenure and fair rent, the Act contributes to the economic stability of tenant farmers, allowing them to invest in and improve agricultural productivity.

Agricultural Development: The protection and incentives offered to tenant farmers encourage sustainable agricultural practices and overall rural development.

Implementation and Challenges

Awareness and Enforcement: Effective implementation of the Act requires awareness among tenant farmers about their rights and the mechanisms available for enforcement.

Legal and Administrative Support: Adequate legal and administrative support is necessary to handle disputes and ensure compliance with the provisions of the Act.

Resistance from Landlords: There can be resistance from landlords who may oppose the regulations imposed by the Act, necessitating a balanced approach to address their concerns while protecting tenant rights.

The Ganot Dharo Act in Gujarat represents a crucial effort to balance the interests of tenant farmers and landlords, promoting equitable and sustainable agricultural practices.

Basic Information of Shree Sarkar Land

The term “Shree Sarkar” refers to the government in Gujarat, and in the context of land, it involves different categories and classifications of land managed or regulated by the state government. Here is an explanation of the types of land under the jurisdiction of the Shree Sarkar in Gujarat:

  1. Government Land (Shree Sarkar Land)


  1. Revenue Land:

– This includes land used for public purposes such as roads, schools, hospitals, and other infrastructure.

– Managed by the Revenue Department, these lands are often acquired through various land acquisition acts and are intended for development projects.

  1. Forest Land:

– Land classified as forests and managed by the Forest Department.

– Such land is protected under various forest conservation laws, and activities are restricted to preserve wildlife and natural resources.

  1. Waste Land:

– Uncultivated and barren land that is under the government’s ownership.

– Often earmarked for rehabilitation, afforestation, or development projects to make it productive.

  1. Pasture Land (Gauchar Land):

– Land designated for grazing livestock.

– Typically managed by village panchayats but regulated by the government to ensure sustainable use and prevent overgrazing.


  1. Private Land


  1. Agricultural Land:

– Owned by private individuals or entities and primarily used for farming and agricultural activities.

– Subject to various agricultural and land ceiling laws to regulate ownership and usage.

  1. Non-Agricultural Land:

– Private land used for residential, commercial, industrial, or other non-agricultural purposes.

– Requires conversion from agricultural to non-agricultural (NA) status through a formal application process with the government.


  1. Special Categories of Land


  1. Tenancy Land:

– Land where tenant farmers have rights under various tenancy laws.

– Regulated to protect the rights of tenant farmers and prevent exploitation by landlords.

  1. Tribal Land:

– Land in scheduled areas designated for tribal communities.

– Governed by special provisions to protect tribal rights and prevent alienation of tribal land to non-tribals.


  1. Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation


  1. Acquisition for Public Purposes:

– The government has the authority to acquire private land for public purposes such as infrastructure projects, urban development, and industrialization.

– Governed by the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation, and Resettlement Act, 2013.


  1. Rehabilitation and Resettlement:

– Policies in place to provide compensation and resettlement for individuals displaced due to land acquisition.

– Aimed at ensuring fair treatment and support for affected persons.


  1. Regulatory and Administrative Aspects


  1. Land Records and Registration:

– Maintenance of accurate land records, including ownership, land use, and encumbrances.

– The Gujarat government has implemented digital land records management systems to enhance transparency and efficiency.

  1. Land Reforms:

– Initiatives aimed at redistributing land to ensure equitable access and utilization.

– Includes measures such as land ceiling laws, tenancy reforms, and distribution of surplus land to the landless.


  1. Urban Land Management:

– Regulation of land use in urban areas through urban planning and zoning laws.

– Managed by urban development authorities and municipal corporations to ensure planned development and optimal land use.


  1. Environmental and Conservation Laws


  1. Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ):

– Regulation of land use in coastal areas to protect the environment and prevent ecological degradation.

– Governed by specific guidelines to balance development and conservation.


  1. Ecologically Sensitive Zones (ESZ):

– Areas designated for special protection due to their ecological significance.

– Development activities in these zones are restricted to prevent environmental damage.


The “Type of Shree Sarkar” in terms of land in Gujarat encompasses a broad spectrum of land classifications and uses, each governed by specific laws and regulations aimed at sustainable management, equitable distribution, and protection of rights. From government and forest lands to private agricultural and non-agricultural lands, the regulatory framework ensures balanced development, environmental conservation, and social justice.

Advocate Paresh M Modi, based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, is a distinguished legal professional specializing in “Ganot Dharo Act Cases” and “Shree Sarkar Land Cases.” With a deep understanding of tenant farmer rights under the Ganot Dharo Act, he ensures that his clients receive fair treatment and protection from arbitrary eviction. His expertise extends to handling intricate disputes related to Shree Sarkar land, including government, forest, and wasteland classifications. Advocate Modi’s comprehensive knowledge of land laws, coupled with his dedication to justice, makes him a trusted advocate for individuals and communities navigating the complexities of land ownership and tenancy. His commitment to upholding legal rights and ensuring equitable land use reflects his profound commitment to social justice and sustainable development in Gujarat.


Advocate Paresh M Modi is a seasoned land revenue Lawyer in Ahmedabad with extensive experience, in-depth knowledge, and a strong track record of successful outcomes. Whether you require assistance with land acquisition, boundary disputes, or any other land revenue matter, Advocate Paresh M Modi offers personalized attention and effective legal representation to help you achieve your goals. Contact Advocate Paresh M Modi today for expert guidance and support in your land revenue case.

In Gujarat, Advocate Paresh M Modi is the best Land revenue lawyer in Ahmedabad among the land revenue lawyers in Ahmedabad. He is the Best Lawyer near me for Criminal Cases Civil Cases and Family Matters in Ahmedabad Gujarat.